This site is, frankly, a mess.  At a certain point, I tried to do too much with it, and it became a nightmare to maintain.  I basically forgot that I can make other sections that can be their own thing, and it all doesn’t have to go in one place.  So I’m slowly removing a lot of stuff from this section of the site and moving it elsewhere.  This week, it’s the blog.  I use dreamwidth now anyway.  I want this section to be solely fic notes, and I’ve been collecting the fic notes that still exist over there to copy over here when the time comes as well.  There’s a lot that got posted to AO3, and I think I have quite a few in Scrivener that I need to sift through, so that’s going to be this week’s project.

But for now, the whole thing has been wiped clean and renamed in the menu and changed the sidebar to make this section easier to browse for fic notes.  I’m going to keep the “blog posts and updates” tag, and all of the backend stuff, because I hate messing with that, but this is now effectively the fic notes section.  I’ve even backdated this entry, so it shows up before the fic notes I’ve been posting.  I’ll be clearing out unused tags and categories eventually, once I clear out unused pages as well.  But I’ve got literally thousands of them, so we’ll see how things go.  By the time you see this post, it may or may not already be done.  It depends on how things look when I fiddle with them.

The reading lists will be moving over to Thor Daily at some point in the near future, but that’ll take some time to do.  I’m effectively going to be turning this part of the site into more of a landing page, and totally separating the comic part of the site off entirely so I can give it its own unique domain next year.  This part of the site is going to go back to just basically a place for my fic notes and occasional updates outside the newsletter.  Nothing will really be lost, because it’s all just being moved around and copied elsewhere.  It’s a whole process that is taking forever though.