Continuity is used very loosely in these early issues.  If something doesn’t make sense, just pretend it was always like that, and that’s how the world works.

Last Updated: Jul 9 2022

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#TitleVolumeIssueRelease DateCover DateCharactersNotes
1Journey into Mystery (1952) ⚡1#83 💥June 5 1962Aug 1962Thor, Donald Blake
2Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#84Jul 3 1962Sep 1962Thor, Donald Blake, Jane FosterJane's last name is Nelson, instead of Foster
3Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#85Aug 2 1962Oct 1962Thor, Loki, Heimall, Jane Foster
4Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#86Sept 4 1962Nov 1962Thor, Odin, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
5Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#87Oct 2 1962Dec 1962Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
6Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#88Nov 1 1962Jan 1963Thor, Loki, Odin, Jane Foster, Donald BlakeJane Nelson becomes Jane Foster
7Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#89Dec 3 1962Feb 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
8Tales of Suspense (1959)1#39Dec 10 1962Mar 1963
9Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#90Jan 3 1963Mar 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Odin
10Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#91Feb 5 1963Apr 1963Thor, Loki, Odin, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
11Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#92Mar 5 1963May 1963Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Neri, Jane Foster, Donald Blake, OdinThis is Neri's only appearance in 616; Freyja is mentioned twice as "Fricka" but is never shown directly
12Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#93Apr 2 1963Jun 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
13Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#94May 2 1963Jul 1963Thor, Loki, Donald Blake, Heimdall, Odin
14Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#95Jun 4 1963Aug 1963Thor, Odin, Donald Blake, Jane Foster
15Avengers (1963)1#1Jul 2 1963Sep 1963
16Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#96Jul 3 1963Sep 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Loki
17Journey into Mystery (1952) ⚡1#97Aug 1 1963Oct 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Odin, Loki | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Surtur, Ymir, Auðumbla, Buri, Bor, Bestla, Vili, Ve
18Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#98Sep 3 1963Nov 1963Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Ymir
19Avengers (1963)1#2Sep 3 1963Nov 1963
20Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#99Oct 1 1963Dec 1963Thor, Odin, Jane Foster, Donald Blake, Surtur
21Tales of Suspense (1959)1#49Oct 8 1963Jan 1964
22Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#100Nov 5 1963Jan 1964Thor, Donald Blake, Odin, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Loki, Iduna, Agnar
23Avengers (1963)1#3Nov 5 1963Jan 1964
24Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#101Dec 2 1963Feb 1964Thor, Odin, Loki, Jane Foster, Heimdall, Donald Blake |Tales of Asgard: Thor, Odin, Loki, Heimdall
25Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#102Jan 3 1964Mar 1964Thor, Loki | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Loki, Odin, Balder, Sif, Hela
26Avengers (1963)1#4Jan 3 1964Mar 1964
27Fantastic Four (1961)1#25Jan 10 1964Apr 1964
28Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#103Feb 4 1964Apr 1964Thor, Amora, Skurge, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Loki, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Sindri, Mimir, Aske, Embla, Gullin, Skord
29Fantastic Four (1961)1#26Feb 11 1964May 1964
30Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#104Mar 3 1964May 1964Thor, Loki, Amora, Skurge, Odin, Jane Foster, Donald Blake, Surtur, Heimdall, Balder, Skagg | Tales of Asgard: Heimdall, Odin, Agnar the Fierce, Gotron, Brimer
31Avengers (1963)1#5Mar 3 1964May 1964
32Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#105Apr 2 1964Jun 1964Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster |Tales of Asgard: Brimer, Nedra, Heimdall, The Vanna, Odin
33Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#106May 5 1964Jul 1964Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Balder, Odin, Tyr, Honir
34Avengers (1963)1#6May 5 1964Jul 1964
35Tales of Suspense (1959)1#56May 12 1964Aug 1964
36Strange Tales (1951)1#123May 12 1964Aug 1964
37Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#107Jun 2 1964Aug 1964Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Balder, Loki, Karnilla, Haag
38Tales to Astonish (1959)1#59Jun 2 1964Sep 1964
39Avengers (1963)1#7Jun 9 1964Aug 1964
40Amazing Spider-Man Annual (1964)1#1Jun 11 1964Oct 1964
41Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#108Jul 2 1964Sep 1964Thor, Loki, Donald Blake, Odin, Heimdall, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Sindri
42Avengers (1963)1#8Jul 9 1964Sep 1964
43Fantastic Four (1961)1#31Jul 9 1964Oct 1964
44Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#109Aug 4 1964Oct 1964Thor, Donald Blake, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Odin, Arkin the Weak, Knorda
45Avengers (1963)1#9Aug 11 1964Oct 1964
46Amazing Spider-Man (1962)1#18Aug 11 1964Nov 1964
47Tales of Suspense (1959)1#59Aug 11 1964Nov 1964
48Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#110Sep 1 1964Nov 1964Thor, Loki, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Odin, Heimdall | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Thor, Rampok, Rivvak
49Avengers (1963)1#10Sep 8 1964Nov 1964
50Tales of Suspense (1959)1#60Sep 8 1964Dec 1964
51Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#111Oct 1 1964Dec 1964Thor, Jane Foster, Odin, Balder, Loki, Hardol | Tales of Asgard: Sigurd, Loki, Thor, Balder
52Avengers (1963)1#11Oct 8 1964Dec 1964
53Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#112Nov 3 1964Jan 1965Thor, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Laufey, Loki
54X-Men (1963)1#9Nov 3 1964Jan 1965
55Avengers (1963)1#12Nov 10 1964Jan 1965
56Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#113Dec 3 1964Feb 1965Thor, Odin, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Loki, Balder, Honir | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Loki, Uller, Volsak
57Fantastic Four (1961)1#36Dec 10 1964Mar 1965
58Avengers (1963)1#13Dec 19 1964Feb 1965
59Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#114Jan 5 1965Mar 1965Thor, Loki, Donald Blake, Jane Foster, Balder | Tales of Asgard: Iduna, Haakun, Fenris
60Avengers (1963)1#14Jan 12 1965Mar 1965
61Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#115Feb 4 1965Apr 1965Thor, Loki, Jane Foster, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Ghan, Thor, Loki
62Avengers (1963)1#15Feb 11 1965Apr 1965
63Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#116Mar 4 1965May 1965Thor, Loki, Odin, Jane Foster, Skurge, Amora, Yagg, Balder | Tales of Asgard: Loki, Hymer, Thor, RindaThis is right around when the story starts to have a more continuous flow from issue to issue, with cliffhangers and continuations.
64Avengers (1963)1#16Mar 11 1965May 1965
65Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#117Apr 1 1965Jun 1965Thor, Loki, Odin, Skurge, Amora, Jane Foster, Balder, Donald Blake, Karnilla | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Thor, Loki
66Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#118May 4 1965Jul 1965Thor, Loki, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Morduk, Loki, Braggi
67Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#119Jun 1 1965Aug 1965Thor, Loki, Karnilla, Odin, Ularic | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Balder, Loki, Hogun, Fandral, Kroda, Magrat, Volstagg, OdinThe Warriors Three take on a slightly more antagonistic role in their first appearance, and don't even seem to be friends with one another at this point. The first time the comics approach Ragnarok starts here.
68Journey into Mystery Annual (1965) âš¡1#1Jun 1 1965Oct 1965Thor, LokiIn between story 1 and 2, there is a multiple-page spread of Asgard, showing different parts of the city. All but Story 1 (When Titans Clash) are reprints from previous issues.
69Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#120Jul 1 1965Sep 1965Thor, Odin, Loki, Ularic, Donald Blake, Jane Foster | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Thor, Volstagg, Loki, Magrat, Kroda, HogunFandral may be present as well. If he is, he has no lines and has lost his moustache. It's hard to tell what's going on sometimes.
70Fantastic Four Annual (1963)1#3Jul 1 1965Oct 1965
71Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#121Aug 3 1965Oct 1965Thor, Loki, Balder, Jane Foster, Ularic, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Loki, BalderUlaric appears in a coma
72Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#122Sep 2 1965Nov 1965Thor, Loki, Jane Foster, Donald Blake, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Loki, Magrat, Kroda, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, BalderMagrat and Kroda are lurking in the background, but don't play a significant role in this issue
73Avengers (1963)1#22Sep 5 1965Nov 1965
74Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#123Oct 5 1965Dec 1965Thor, Odin, Loki | Tales of Asgard: Odin, Balder, Thor, Volstagg
75Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#124Nov 4 1965Jan 1966Thor, Jane Foster, Donald Blake, Odin | Tales of Asgard: Ula, Balder, Thor, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, Loki, Magrat, Kroda
76Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#125Dec 2 1965Feb 1966Thor, Odin, Balder, Jane Foster, Heimdall | Tales of Asgard: Thor, Loki, Balder, Volstagg, Fandral, Magrat, Kroda, Ula
77Journey into Mystery (1952) âš¡1#-1May 21 1997Jul 1997Flashback issue, which takes place before the series officially starts.
78Avengers (1963)1#1.5Sep 29 1999Oct 1999This is a flashback issue, which takes place between Avengers #1 and #2